Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year: 2012 edition

Last night, I was thinking about the past year. Again. So much has happened, I sometimes wonder how I managed to keep sane.

Do I have resolutions?

Yes, I do.

1. Stop biting my nails
2. Step out of the house once a month with no make up on
3. Spend more time researching my dissertation topic
4. Travel and explore England

Yeah. That's it for now. 
Oh, and I also forgot. I think it's about time for me to grow up and stop being a doormat. I never used to be one, so how did I suddenly become one in the last few months?
So, that's two more added to the list:

5. Grow up
6. Stop being a doormat 

On a more positive note, I am glad that the "festive" season is over. 

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