I am supposed to be in Marseilles right now.
However, I am still in bed. Revising.

This week I have two exams.
1. Histoire de l'Art
2. Linguistics
These are both subjects which seem easy enough. However, both teachers are extremely unhelpful. Being at uni here is almost like being back at school - there are no small seminars or opportunities to express one's opinions. I miss UCL and London.
('Madeleine' by Donatello) - creepy!
However, being in Provence does have its upsides. Food, the cafe culture and the general excitement of living in the South of France. Next week is Toussaint and hopefully we'll take a little mini-break somewhere - maybe even Marseilles or Montpellier.
Anyway - exams. Argh. Rita and I have been manically putting together notes on the paintings and trying to understand what is required for this exam. It's OK though, tonight we've been invited to a real French person's birthday party (at the bar he owns!)
The other day, after teaching at the Lycee Frederic Mistral, Rita and I started drinking at 14h (Bar Double V)... We exhausted their stock of Hoegaarden bottled beers! The barman was so friendly, he kept on bringing us food (marshmallows, peanuts and honey toasts!). Anyway, back to friendly faces tonight.
I cannot wait until this time next week! Exams will be done and a week of rest and travelling will be in order.
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