So the last week has really flown by. Tomorrow we are going to an 'Al El-Kebir' celebration at the Tunisian girls' house. The trip to Paris was amazing, and now Vietnam is drawing closer.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Riots + Paris
So the last week has really flown by. Tomorrow we are going to an 'Al El-Kebir' celebration at the Tunisian girls' house. The trip to Paris was amazing, and now Vietnam is drawing closer.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Recommended II
i'll be standing by your side
in between the deep blue sea
and the sheltering sky
if we find no words to say
to the rhythm of the waves
then we'll both surrender there
walking on air
and the worries of the day lie down
under cover of the fading clouds
the secrets of the night
come alive in your eyes
you don't have to hurry
you don't have to try
cause you don't have a care
you're walking on air
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Just another day

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Recommended (Part One)
Sleepwalkers by Van Der Graaf Generator
This song has it all. Bizarre existential lyrics, dubious falsetto, extended saxophone solo played by man in leather hat. One of my personal favourites. Prolific front-man Peter Hammill released two or three dozen solo albums until being momentarily held up by a heart attack in 2003. He has now recovered (three new albums) and is back on the road with some old relics of the 70s art rock scene. I hope to see him before his inevitable death from acute Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
At night, this mindless army, ranks unbroken by dissent,
is moved into action and their pace does not relent.
In step, with great precision, these dancers of the night
advance against the darkness - how implacable their might!
Eyes undulled by moon, their arms and legs akimbo,
they walk and live, hoping soon to surface from this limbo.
Their minds, anticipating the dawn of the day,
shall never know what's waiting mere insight away
- too far, too soon.
Legs akimbo? Shine on Peter, shine on.
Sex and the City // Vietnam

Friday, November 13, 2009
What is Psychology?

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Some people I'd like to meet

2. Ginette Neveu - would ask about how she managed to get such a sweet tone in Chausson's "Poeme"
3. Freddy Mercury - take a closer look at his teeth to see whether they influenced his musical genius. Also would ask him to sing me "Die Forelle" by Schubert, I think he could turn it into the best lullaby

5. Charles Baudelaire - I want to know what went through his head when he wrote "Les Fleurs du Mal" - also to ask him what he really means when he writes about "L'Ennui" - what/who is he describing?
Winter is creeping up...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Recipe for Asian-Style Salmon Salad
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
L'Epicerie, Avignon
As I am waiting for some food cooked by Adam, I couldn't help but look at these pictures from the delicious meal at L'Epicerie...
a) L'assiette de l'Epicerie
b) Magret de Canard
c) Huge beef fillet with cepes sauce
Tonight, we're attempting to cook bulgogi without any Korean ingredients :/
I am really missing my parents at the moment, a very unusual occurrence, but not seeing them for such a long time is really getting to me...
Oh well, at least I'll see them in 2 months or so.... and hopefully Vienna will provide me with easier travel routes to Pescara/Rome.
Must get on and fry some meat!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
More pictures

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Some pictures from Barcelona
Yummy Food
Monday, November 2, 2009
Nous sommes allés à Barcelone pour 3 jours pendant les Vacances de Toussaint. Je dois écrire en Français parce que sinon, je pratique jamais mon français écrit (sauf dans les examens, bien sur).
Nous avons marche beaucoup, presque 50 (!) kilomètres, et maintenant = douleur dans mes pieds. Barcelone est une ville intéressante, mais pas très spéciale... Je pense que si on vit a Barcelone, ça pourrait être fantastique, mais pour une visite courte comme nous avons fait, pas fantastique.
Donc, les points positifs de Barcelone:
L'architecture - les maisons de Gaudi, Parc Güell, la Sagrada Familia - comme dans un conte de fées. Je me sentais très jeune et libre quand j'étais dans les travaux (oeuvres d'art) de Gaudi. J'aime beaucoup aussi le mélange entre le vieux et le nouveau dans le sens architectural.
J’ai sommeil et demain, les cours commencement de nouveau. xxx