1. Adam at the covered markets
2. Random boy falling out of fear
3. Moving hair in front of Casa Batllo
4. Me and my two Kikkomen
5. Piercings @ the Modern Museum
Just watched "Location, Location, Location" - I think it's nearly time to go to bed. Have my favourite "History of Art" class tomorrow... Went to look at the archives today at the Musee du Petit Palais, at least I have loads of information on my painting now. I guess that means that this weekend will be spent analysing a whole load of info on the "Annonciation" by Bartolomeo della Gatta! Yay!
Tomorrow night, we're heading out with some Tunisian girls - time to finally speak some bloody French. I can't wait... This week has flown by - only 3 more weeks then PARIS! (Unfortunately, Adam won't be coming, but it'll be worth saving those pennies for Vietnam!) So many exciting places to go and see in the next few months... I'm loving this year out, what a contrast to London.
I do really miss London sometimes, there's nothing quite like the buzz of walking around Soho, getting coffee in Borough, shopping on Bond Street and finding little secret gardens in Kennington. I especially miss the choice of cuisines, although I must admit, Adam is a VERY good cook. Unlike me, he can actually cook food. I made beans with "Knacks" on stale bread the other day - needless to say, it ended up being thrown in the bin :( I wish I could cook - maybe I'll pop along to some cooking demonstrations at "Les Halles" on Saturday (free food!). Yummmy...
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